Top 10 Benefits Of Regular Exercise & Its Importance In Our Daily Life

By Okbima 11 May 2024 929
regular exercise benefits


Regular exercise can help to improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength and flexibility, and help in weight management. Exercise is also known to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall energy levels. Let’s know the top 10 regular exercise benefits & why it is important.


1. Exercise Can Make You Feel Happier

According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), regular exercise can decrease the symptoms of depression and anxiety in many people. The study found that individuals who participated in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, they feel happy.

Additionally, the release of endorphins during exercise helps to reduce stress and improve mood. Endorphins, which are naturally occurring chemicals in the brain, serve as both pain relievers and mood enhancers. Exercise also helps to improve sleep quality, which can contribute to an overall feeling of well-being.


2. Exercise Can Help With Weight Management

In India, obesity is on the rise with an estimated 20% of adults classified as obese. This is increasing because of lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Regular exercise plays a crucial role in weight management as it helps in burning calories and increasing metabolism. According to a study conducted in India, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of obesity by up to 50%.

Doing a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises can help you to maintain a healthy weight. A combination of aerobic exercises such as walking, running, or cycling, along with strength training exercises like weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, can help you build muscle and increase your metabolism.


3. Exercise Is Good For Your Muscles & Bones

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining healthy muscles and bones. In India, a study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research found that only 20% of Indians engage in sufficient physical activity. This lack of exercise can cause muscle weakness, joint stiffness, and an increased risk of osteoporosis.

According to the National Institute of Nutrition in India, regular exercise can help improve muscle strength, increase bone density & reduce the risk of fractures. Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, and weightlifting, are particularly beneficial for building stronger muscles and bones. A lack of exercise can cause muscle atrophy and decreased bone density, which increases the risk of falls and fractures, especially in older people.


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4. Exercise Can Increase Your Energy Levels

Regular exercise has been shown to increase energy levels & overall feelings. A study conducted in India found that individuals who engage in moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day experienced a significant increase in their energy levels compared to those who do not do that.

The study also found that exercise can improve physical fitness, which can increase energy levels. Regular physical activity helps to improve cardiovascular health, increase circulation, and boost metabolism, all of which play a role in supporting energy levels.

Exercise has been shown to reduce feelings of fatigue and improve mood, which can also contribute to increased energy levels. Regular physical activity has been linked to the release of endorphins, or 'feel-good' hormones, which can help to reduce feelings of tiredness and boost overall energy levels.


5. Exercise Can Reduce Your Risk Of Chronic Disease

Regular exercise can reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer. In India, studies have shown that physical inactivity is a major risk factor for chronic diseases.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, about 25% of the Indian population is physically inactive, which can cause chronic diseases. However, doing regular exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, or yoga, can help reduce this risk.

Research has shown that just 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week can help lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar control, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. 


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6. Exercise Can Help Skin Health

Regular exercise has many benefits for overall health, including skin health. It can help improve circulation, which can promote healthier skin by getting essential nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells and removing waste products.  In India, a study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology found that regular physical activity can help improve skin health in various ways. 

The study reported that exercise can increase blood flow to the skin, leading to a healthier complexion and improved skin tone. Additionally, exercise can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can in turn improve conditions such as acne and psoriasis.


7. Exercise Can Help Your Brain Health & Memory

Research conducted in India has shown that regular exercise can improve brain health and memory function. A study published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals who engage in physical activity showed better cognitive function, memory retention, and overall brain health.

Another study conducted at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bangalore found that regular exercise can help protect the brain against age-related cognitive decline and reduce the potential for developing neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia.

Furthermore, a study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology found that exercise can increase the production of neurotrophic factors in the brain, which promotes the growth and survival of neurons.


8. Exercise Can Help With Relaxation & Sleep Quality

Regular exercise has been shown to have many benefits for relaxation and sleep quality. In India, studies have found that doing physical activity can help individuals relax and improve their sleep patterns. Exercise has also been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation by releasing endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.

Furthermore, physical activity can reduce the symptoms of insomnia and sleep disorders, as well as improve mental health and well-being. Regular exercise can also help manage stress, anxiety & depression, which are common issues in sleep disturbances.


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9. Exercise Can Reduce Pain

According to a study conducted in India, regular exercise can reduce pain levels in individuals suffering from chronic conditions such as arthritis or lower back pain. The study, which involved participants from various age groups and backgrounds, found that those who engaged in moderate to high-intensity exercise reported a decrease in pain intensity and frequency.

Specifically, the study showed that individuals who engaged in activities such as walking, yoga, or strength training experienced in reduction in pain-related symptoms. Exercise not only strengthens muscles and joints but also helps release endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.


10. Exercise Can Promote A Better Sex Life

Regular exercise has been linked to numerous health benefits, including a better sex life. In India, a study conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences found that regular physical activity can lead to improved sexual function in both men and women.

According to the study, exercise helps improve blood circulation, which in turn can enhance sexual performance. It also helps in reducing stress and anxiety, which are known to negatively impact sexual function.

Another study conducted by the Indian Journal of Psychiatry found that exercise can increase levels of endorphins, which are known as feel-good hormones. This can lead to increased sexual desire and satisfaction.


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Why Is Exercise Important?

Physical and mental well-being are essential for maintaining exercise. Some benefits include physical health, mental health, longevity, etc.

  • Physical Health: Exercising regularly helps keep you at a good weight by burning calories & boosting your metabolism. It makes your muscles, bones & joints stronger, which can lower your chances of getting diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart problems & some types of cancer. Exercise also keeps your heart healthy, lowers blood pressure, and strengthens your immune system, which helps you avoid getting sick.

  • Mental Health: Exercise makes you feel good because it creates chemicals in your brain that make you happy and less stressed. It can also help you sleep better, think more clearly, and feel better about yourself.

  • Longevity: Research finds that individuals who exercise have longer healthier lives. Being active can help slow down the illnesses & physical limitations that come with aging, allowing older individuals to stay independent and enjoy a better quality of life.

  • Brain Health: Exercising is good for the brain because it helps blood flow and oxygen reach it. This helps create new brain cells and improves memory and learning. Being active can also reduce the chances of getting brain diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia.

  • Social Interaction: Participating in exercise like team sports or group classes can help you make friends and feel like you belong. This can improve your mental health and make you feel supported.

  • Stress Relief: Working out is a good way to relax and feel better when you are stressed. When you move your body, it releases chemicals that make you feel happier and less anxious. Exercising can also help you stop thinking about things that are bothering you and think more clearly.


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In conclusion, Regular exercise has many benefits for our health and happiness. It helps improve our heart and weight, reduces stress, and makes us feel better. It's important to include exercise in our daily schedule to improve our overall well-being and live longer happier lives. For a healthy lifestyle & to reduce medical expenses, you can contact ‘Our Experts”.


Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, boost metabolism, increase strength and flexibility, enhance mental well-being, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and help maintain a healthy weight.

Whether or not it is good to do a workout every day depends on individual factors such as fitness level, exercise intensity, and overall physical health.

It is not recommended to workout 7 days a week as your body needs time to rest and recover to prevent injury and promote muscle growth.

The best time to work out is whenever you can fit it into your schedule and when you feel the most energized and motivated.

It is generally recommended to wait at least 30-60 minutes after eating before exercising to avoid feeling uncomfortable or experiencing digestive issues.

It is recommended to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day to maintain good physical health.

It is not recommended to workout on an empty stomach as it can lead to decreased energy levels and inefficient muscle recovery.

Yes, it is perfectly fine to workout at night as long as it does not disrupt your sleep schedule.

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